jane rothman




Wherever I go, a camera is in my hand.  I capture images locally, in the neighborhoods of New York City, as well as on my travels through Uganda, Thailand, Mexico, or Peru. I pay particular attention to possibilities in unlikely places and visual coincidences. In ordinary settings, I see poetry, humor, and beauty. I hope to capture images that enhance the meaning of who and where we are.

I feel fortunate to have found my art teacher, Eleanor Grace Miller at The Pelham Art Center. Her teaching expertise and support over the past years have made a huge difference in my artistic development. She has the gift of being able to articulate what I experience intuitively.

My husband, Jack, who has expert photographic knowledge, has always been my best and most patient teacher when it comes to photographic technique. The International Center of Photography has offered many avenues to connect with other photographers and the critique process.

Many photographers and artists have offered me insights into the world of images. Among them are: Henri Cartier Bresson, Diane Arbus, Henri Matisse, Maira Kalman, Georgia O’Keefe, Annie Lebovitz, Reineke Djikstra, Gesche Wurfel, Garry Winogrand, and my own daughter, Julia Rothman.

I have lived on City Island, New York for over forty years with my husband and two daughters. I am very proud of my daughters’ accomplishments. One is a primate researcher studying mountain gorillas and an anthropology professor, and the other, a freelance illustrator and author of: The Exquisite Book, Drawn In, Farm Anatomy, The Where,The Why and The How, and Hello NY.

    My works have been shown at The Renaissance Gallery, Orangeburg, NY; The Rockland Arts Center, Rockland County, NY; The Pelham Art Center, Pelham, NY; The Rockefeller State Preserve Gallery, Pocantico, NY; The Viridian Gallery, Chelsea district, NYC, juried by Jennifer Blessing, photography curator of The Guggenheim Museum; and The Garrison Art Center Photocentric Show juried by Marvin Heiferman, curator and author. 


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I grew up in Yonkers, New York.  I have always expressed my artistic inclinations throughout my life in whatever I did. In elementary school, I won poster contests. In college, I was the chairperson for the Annual Spring Arts Festival at SUNY Buffalo. As a teacher, I engaged children in the creative process. And as a parent, I coached my daughter through her years at the Rhode Island School of Design. I love making art. It is the reason I am involved with several media: photography, collage and painting.

All photographs are copyrighted by Jane Rothman

To contact me, please email  JaneRothman@gmail.com